
新上任的全职教师, 还有二年级的全职教员, 有独特的机会参加由CELT协调的全校范围内的同伴教师指导计划. VSU经验丰富的教师可以分享他们所学到的知识,并通过指导新教师来了解他们.

Specifically, 我们通过教师指导的最佳实践,将VSU不同部门的新教师和二年级教师与职业生涯中期和高级教师配对. 七月份比赛公布后,导师和学员会通过电子邮件交流, 在八月初的新教师培训期间,第一次亲自参加CELT指导午餐和研讨会, 并且在整个学年里一对一会面. 他们还需要参加一个额外的相关研讨会或培训由CELT或 员工和组织发展办公室 并被邀请参加专门为新教员和他们的导师举办的社交聚会. 样本研讨会和培训主题包括有效指导的技巧, mentor mapping, 以及解决早期职业教师需求的研究和策略.


  • 确保没有任期限制的新教师和二年级教师在他们的院系外有一个关键人物(一个中级或高级职业教师),他们可以在弗吉尼亚州立大学的头几年里向他们提出问题
  • 提高能力, confidence, 以及对新教师和二年级教师的归属感,以更好地留住他们,并为他们在头几年以及通过晋升(和终身教职)取得成功做好准备, 如果与他们的职位相关的话)
  • 加强对弗吉尼亚州立大学多元化教师的支持
  • 阐明并应用指导和职业发展的最佳实践
  • Build relationships, community, 还有一个同侪教师指导网络,桥梁排名, disciplines, departments, and colleges at VSU

自愿成为导师, 或者是新教职员或二年级教职员请求一位导师, 请参阅下面填写问卷的说明和截止日期. 辅导配对由学院院长与系长理事会代表协商后进行, Provost's Office, 员工和组织发展办公室, Human Resources, 以及电子学习中心.

CELT的同伴教师指导计划补充了部门和学科内部的任何非正式或正式的指导. 对师徒关系的研究建议,教师应该有多个不同目的的导师.

Questions? 联系CELT主任,博士. Jamie Landau (jlandau@arrow-b.com, 229-333-6032). 


你是一个终身或晋升的讲师,愿意与新教师分享你在VSU工作中学到的经验吗? 也许你在职业生涯早期有过一位伟大的导师,现在想要回报他? 指导是双向的, 因此,经验丰富的教员被新同事激励是很常见的,即使新同事支持他们.

参加CELT的同伴教师指导计划是一个独特的机会,但是自愿的. As a result, 获得晋升的终身教职员工或讲师必须通过填写此表格自愿成为导师 自愿成为导师的简短问卷 这就提出了一些关于专业和个人领域的问题,你可以在这些领域支持新教员, and upload your CV. 这些信息将用于创建有效的指导对.



你是新入职的全职教师还是回到弗吉尼亚州立大学的全职二年级教师(是否终身教职, tenure-track, 或者是不受任期限制的讲师? 研究表明,为像你这样的初级教师提供正式的指导项目,可以在工作的头几年增加你成功和快乐的潜力, 在你未来的岁月里,通过晋升. 受指导的教师在一个机构里更有“宾至如归”的感觉, 有更高的工作满意度, 在学术活动和教学中也更有成效.

参加CELT的同伴教师指导计划是一个独特的机会,但是自愿的. As a result, new 新入职的专任教师及不受任期限制的二年级专任教师 必须通过填写这个请求导师吗 新教员要求一份导师简短问卷 询问你的专业和个人需求,然后上传你的简历. 这些信息将用于创建有效的指导对.



弗吉尼亚州立大学的教师都有丰富的教学经验和专业知识. However, 我们常常没有意识到我们的同事在课堂上所做的出色工作, in turn, 我们错过了互相学习的机会. Did you know, for instance, 弗吉尼亚州立大学的教职员工获得了有关在线教学的奖项并发表了研究报告? 也许你想和一位将高影响力实践(high-impact practices,简称HIPs)整合到课程中的同事谈谈,了解其中的障碍和好处? 或者你可以请专家来做 教学观察您的面授课程, or for a 混合、灵活或完全在线课程 that you teach? 点击上面的超链接下载CELT-eLearning关于进行同伴教学观察的建议. 有关其他资源,请参见此 VSU教学同行评估指南.  

下面的“咨询专家”列表是为VSU的教师提供的,可以很容易地看到与谁联系以获得特定教学方法的同伴支持. 所有列出的教师都慷慨地同意为校园里的同事提供资源, 比如他们可以进行教学观察. 他们中的许多人与CELT合作,以促进 教师学习社区 (FLCs), too, 所以考虑加入一个持续的, 活跃的教师团队共同探索新的教学方法并分享教学技巧. 

如果你想加入这个专家名单, 联络CELT行政协调员Jennifer Pifer (jpifer@arrow-b.com, 229-253-4079).

College: 教育及公共服务 

Department: MLIS

Title: Assistant Professor

Email: ndalemanne@arrow-b.com

Contact Number: 229.245.3742

Areas of Knowledge: 

  • 以团队为基础或以同伴为主导的学习
  • Small teaching
  • Online teaching

College: 教育及公共服务 

Department: 心理学,咨询和家庭治疗

Title: Assistant Professor

Email: mcarastia@arrow-b.com

Contact Number: 229.249.2777

Areas of Knowledge: 服务学习、翻转课堂、在线教学和Kahoot

College: 教育及公共服务 

Department: Teacher Education

Title: Associate Dept. Head

Email: efasola@arrow-b.com

Contact Number: 229.333.7148

Areas of Knowledge: 

  • 包容性或对话式教学法
  • 以团队为基础或以同伴为主导的学习
  • Small teaching
  • Online teaching
  • HyFlex
  • Kaltura
  • Blackboard协作Ultra
  • Kahoot
  • VoiceThread

College: 教育及公共服务

Department: Teacher Education

Title: Assistant Professor

Email: jsbeal@arrow-b.com

Contact Number: 229.219.1317

Areas of Knowledge: Experiential learning

College: 人文社会科学

Department: 现代和古典语言

Title: Senior Lecturer

Email: mchakir@arrow-b.com

Contact Number: 229.333.7373

Areas of Knowledge: Experiential learning

College: 人文社会科学

Department: English

Title: Professor

Email: lchen@arrow-b.com

Contact Number: 229.333.7346

Areas of Knowledge: 以学生为中心的学习,教与学的奖学金 

College: The Arts

Department: Communication Arts

Title: Associate Professor

Email: nbcox@arrow-b.com

Contact Number: 229.259.5520

Areas of Knowledge: HIPs:本科研究,包容性教学法,在线教学和小型教学

College: Business

Department: Accounting

Title: Assistant Professor

Email: cocrews@arrow-b.com

Contact Number: 229.245.3808

Areas of Knowledge: Online Teaching, 教育技术:D2L, 黑板上合作, iPad, Educreations, Screencast-O-Matic, Powtoon, Google Hangouts, YouTube Live, Proctor U

College: Arts

Department: 传播艺术(大众传媒)

Title: Assistant Professor

Email: wjculverhouse@arrow-b.com

Contact Number: 229.259.2015

Areas of Knowledge: Experiential learning

College: 人文社会科学

Department: 现代和古典语言

Title: Associate Professor

Email: kfdavidson@arrow-b.com

Contact Number: 229.333.7415

Areas of Knowledge: 在线教学和语言教育

College: The Arts

Department: Art and Design

Title: Associate Professor

Email: emdaviswalker@arrow-b.com

Contact Number: 229.259.5086

Areas of Knowledge: Microsoft Teams

College: Education & Human Services

Department: 课程、领导力和技术

Title: Interim Dept. Head & Professor

Email: sedowney@arrow-b.com

Contact Number: 229.333.5633

Areas of Knowledge: Online Teaching 

College: 护理与健康科学

Department: Nursing

Title: Assistant Professor

Email: hcgonzalez@arrow-b.com

Contact Number: 229.253.2930

Areas of Knowledge: Experiential Learning

College: 人文社会科学

Department: English

Title: Associate Professor

Email: algreenfield@arrow-b.com

Contact Number: 229.333.5946

Areas of Knowledge: Online Teaching

College: 科学与数学

Department: 物理学、天文学和地球科学 

Title: Associate Professor

Email: msgroszos@arrow-b.com

Contact Number: 229.333.5664

Areas of Knowledge: 硬岩地质学(岩石学、构造学、变质地质学、火成岩地质学) & mineralogy), Geology of Georgia, microscopy, economic geology, field geology, 组织和运行实地考察, 策划岩石和矿物收藏

College: Business

Department: Accounting 

Title: 会计学教授

Email: sgupta@arrow-b.com

Contact Number: 229.293.6061

Areas of Knowledge: 管理会计,退休计划,伦理学,教育学

College: 人文社会科学

Department: History

Title: Professor

Email: drhaggard@arrow-b.com 

Contact Number: 229.333.5947

Areas of Knowledge: Flipped Classrooms

College: Arts

Department: Art and Design

Title: Associate Professor

Email: awheuss@arrow-b.com 

Contact Number: 229.333.5834

Areas of Knowledge: 教学观察,指导新教师

College: 人文社会科学

Department: 社会学、人类学和刑事司法

Title: Associate Professor

Email: trhochschild@arrow-b.com

Contact Number: 229.333.5483

Areas of Knowledge: 利用各种电子技术的高效讲座, 参与讨论,关注学生的经历和观点, Service-Learning, Experiential Learning, 小组项目和报告, 课余活动, 课外活动

College: Education & Human Services

Department: 课程、领导力和技术

Title: Professor

Email: ehsiao@arrow-b.com

Contact Number: 229.333.5633

Areas of Knowledge: 

  • 以团队为基础或以同伴为主导的学习
  • Online teaching
  • 教育技术:

> Blackboard协作Ultra

> Photoshop

> Dreamweaver

> Camtasia

> Audacity

College: 科学与数学

Department: Biology

Title: Associate Professor

Email: lesliesj@arrow-b.com

Contact Number: 229.219.1337

Areas of Knowledge: Hybrid Pedagogy

College: Education & Human Services

Department: 课程、领导力和技术

Title: Assistant Professor

Email: jijung@arrow-b.com

Contact Number: 229.333.5633

Areas of Knowledge: 

  • 高影响力实践(HIPs),如本科研究, service-learning, ePortfolios, writing-intensive作业, internships, and capstone projects
  • Universal design
  • Flipped classroom
  • Online teaching
  • 教育技术:
> Blackboard协作Ultra
> Kahoot

College: 人文社会科学

Department: English

Title: Associate Professor

Email: ukatawal@arrow-b.com

Contact Number: 229.219.3193

Areas of Knowledge: 在线教学、翻转课堂、团队教学 

College: 教育及公共服务

Department: 传播科学与疾病

Title: Assistant Professor

Email: kalamb@arrow-b.com

Contact Number: 229.219.1306

Areas of Knowledge: Microsoft Teams

College: The Arts

Department: Communication Arts

Title: Associate Professor

Email: jlandau@arrow-b.com

Contact Number: 229.333.6032

Areas of Knowledge: Inclusive Pedagogy, Teaching for Growth, Small Teaching, Teaching Writing, Peer-Led Learning, 讲座暂停教学策略, 臀部:教育界, Undergraduate Research, Capstone Courses

College: 科学与数学

Department: Computer Science

Title: Professor

Email: cliu@arrow-b.com

Contact Number: 229.333.5781

Areas of Knowledge: 在线教学与资源

College: Science and Math

Department: Physics

Title: Assistant Professor

Email: smubin@arrow-b.com

Contact Number: 229.253.2994

Areas of Knowledge: Experiential Learning

College: 人文社会科学

Department: 现代和古典语言 

Title: Associate Professor

Email: maocasio@arrow-b.com (首选沟通方式) 

Contact Number: 229.249.2653

Areas of Knowledge: 在线教学,集合.Town, Second Life, VoiceThread,办公时间与虚拟现实(浸入式,工作室)

College: 人文社会科学

Department: 现代和古典语言

Title: Professor

Email: ehparra@arrow-b.com

Contact Number: 229.333.7372

Areas of Knowledge: 全纳教学法(价值创造教学法), 语音线程在GoVIEW/BlazeVIEW, Screencast-O-Matic, Powtonn, 项目基础学习, 在/研究生研究, teaching language, and literature online.

College: Arts

Department: Communication Arts

Title: Assistant Professor

Email: mppihos@arrow-b.com

Contact Number: 229.333.5828

Areas of Knowledge: Experiential Learning

College: Arts

Department: Art and Design

Title: Lecturer

Email: rebreynolds@arrow-b.com

Contact Number: 229.249.4873

Areas of Knowledge: 讨论式教学,本科生研究,小型教学实践,微软团队

College: 护理与健康科学 

Department: 研究生护理主任

Title: Associate Professor

Email: mewingbre@arrow-b.com

Contact Number: 229.249.2652

Areas of Knowledge: 在线教学,小型教学实践

College: 科学与数学

Department: Biology

Title: Assistant Professor

Email: erose@arrow-b.com

Contact Number: 229.219.3437

Areas of Knowledge: Experiential learning

College: 人文社会科学

Department: 现代和古典语言

Title: Associate Professor

Email: varussell@arrow-b.com

Contact Number: 229.333.7357

Areas of Knowledge: HIPs:本科研究, Service-Learning, ePortfolios, Writing-Intensive作业, Internships, 和顶点项目(出国留学), Online Teaching, Flipped Learning

College: Arts

Department: Art and Design 

Title: Associate Professor

Email: gmswan@arrow-b.com (首选沟通方式) 

Contact Number: 229.333.7406

Areas of Knowledge: 古希腊和罗马文化,在教学环境中使用图像

College: Honors & Exploratory Studies 

Department: Advising

Title: Director

Email: cgtillma@arrow-b.com 

Contact Number: 229.245.4378

Areas of Knowledge: HIPs,翻转课堂,同侪导师,在线教学

College: 护理与健康科学

Department: Health Sciences

Title: Lecturer

Email: bmwilliams1@arrow-b.com

Contact Number: 229.253.2884

Areas of Knowledge: Experiential Learning

College: 科学与数学 

Department: Computer Science

Title: Professor

Email: zxu@arrow-b.com

Contact Number: 229.333.5783

Areas of Knowledge: Experiential Learning