The mission of Faculty Scholarship is to help fund bet365亚洲官网 Full-Time faculty to present papers at regional, national, and/or international academic conferences, to attend meetings and workshops which focus on curriculum development and instructional improvement activities.

The intent is that an academically active faculty will make bet365亚洲官网 more visible in the academic community at large. This in turn will not only help the university to attract and retain qualified faculty but also will lead to necessary quality improvements in faculty instruction, research, guidance, and counseling to the students. The faculty development funding goes beyond the departmental and college level resources as an additional financial resource for the faculty who wish to pursue professional growth and development, but who are subject to limited departmental funds.

Each funding category has specific guidelines located on the page which corresponds with the category that must be followed to obtain funding. These guidelines are established to properly channel the flow of funds rather than to refuse proposals.  In other words, the intent of the review process is to assist the faculty in their endeavors. It must be noted that the funds are limited and might become exhausted early in the year, and therefore a solid proposal should be submitted in the first instance.

Due to limited funding, applications are stamp dated when they arrive and reviewed in the order in which they are received.

The maximum award allowed in the fiscal year is $1,000.

Travel policies and procedures can be found at: